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Writer's picturemichelasborchia

Change is coming....

Have your days lately been filled with seeming nothingness? You may feel suspended and on hold but not stuck. Sometimes, you feel as if you need to stop breathing and gather your energy, and you are at the end of a long threshold where you need to stop and breathe before you take the next step into the unknown. If you find yourself nodding in agreement, this message is for you. We’re in this together, experiencing a similar journey, and here’s what’s about to unfold…Lately, my days have been filled with an odd sensation of emptiness, a stillness that feels like it’s brimming with possibility yet devoid of immediate action. It’s not that I feel stuck, but rather as though I’m suspended, as if the universe has hit pause on my usual rhythm. I’m on hold, waiting for something I can’t quite see or name, yet I sense its importance. I feel an urgent pull in this space—not to move forward or backwards, but to stop and fully embrace this suspension. It’s as though my very breath is tied to this moment of pause. There’s a part of me that feels like I need to stop breathing, not in the sense of danger or distress, but as an instinctual call to gather myself, to pull my energy inward. It feels like the calm before a storm, though it’s a storm of change and not destruction. It’s a whirlwind of beauty and love. I am aware of being at the edge of something significant, a threshold stretching behind me with all its long journey and ahead of me, the unknown, beckoning with its mysteries and possibilities, filling me with intrigue and open-mindedness. Standing at this threshold, I recognise the profound significance of this moment. It’s crucial to pause, breathe, and honour this moment before entering the vast, mysterious unknown. This pause isn’t just a necessity; it validates the importance of this moment in our journey, reassuring us that we’re on the right path. There’s a quiet understanding within me that this pause is as essential as the step that will follow. It’s like a deep breath before a plunge, a moment of stillness before a dance, the stillness between inhalation and exhalation…and then the next breath. This pause is a final inhale before I cross into something new, something transformative, even if I don’t yet know what that is. If you felt the YES coming up from within after reading this, I wanted to assure you that transformation is not just a possibility; it’s a certainty. Change is just a breath away. Be still! Be here now! It is not what you expect, but it is more powerful and beautiful than anything your senses and energy can imagine. There will be a moment so clear and true that you will be asked to let go and surrender. Please, DO! Close your eyes and fall into the Divine Mother’s arms. She is here to help you… and when you call upon Her, she will answer and usher in the change you felt and your soul was searching for. You are not alone in this journey. Believe!

With Mother’s Love and Grace

Michela xo

© 2024 Michela Sborchia. All rights reserved


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